Monday, November 15, 2010

the anarchist movement.for a relative old ideology to be ungoverned or true liberty.for to long the movement has struggle with the serious flaws in its proposed idea.such as what will prevent those with strength not to question arise when you think of the proposal in a modern society however the anarchist face challenges in the so called undeveloped world as well such as religious dogma.though in modern society which is based on complex structures and systems total collapse of what has been created under a authoritarian eye will have dramatic effects in the struggle towards true liberty  so now we can see why such a old idea as being ungoverned has taken such along time to gain ground and still unfortunately has a long period of time before it will be the way of life.however the anarchist handle the chaos of the collapse is how the idea will be establish for the concept of true liberty will never cease until we all realize we are on the same team team human!

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