Monday, November 1, 2010


Religion the scourge of man,or is it? but holy war,c'mon already a fact that jihadist want and will accept nothing less than what they want and are willing to kill who are different but can you blame them it seems the islamic world sees on a much longer timeline than the western world so Islam  sets out to destroy and enslave the world of unbelievers. why doesn't that sound  like a religion, it does when you consider the timeline that the  muslim faith's mindset is in. holy global war or global holy war you take your pick but if a religion is assualting reality it needs to be maintain and put back in its place.never should belief driven or theocratic societies exist  . detectability should be followed by eradication ,but are you ready to die for your cheese burgers and sitting in the garage,no cause they are.I dont know about you but crazy people scary me and these people seem crazy.

CHILD SOLDIERS! this abomination is thus further evidence of the collapse of society. which we find ourselves living end here in the begining of the twenty-first century. 

the kid on the left is in a jihading uniform which i have seen other jihadist groups wear  same outfit i swear.


 some old boats rusting away in Russia apparently these boats were once part of the Russian navy

Americans remember if they close the border to people coming in then there is also no way to get out

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