Friday, October 8, 2010

american experience

as i awoke today i found myself thinking of my early childhood and how my respect for the political world was forever shattered.the year was 1988 and I was just a lad my school was doing a "fake" election to see who the kids would vote for i believe it was bush I and dukasis. my parents being both poor one a australian immigrant and the other a misouri country boy living in rural illinoise during the regan years where needless to say staunch i was expected to vote for dukasis but when the day of the schools election happened i was coerced by my friends to vote for bush 1. already feeling lousy about being so percievable to peer pressure but now i would have to tell my folks who won the election and never be able to tell them who i voted for, for fear of disapointing them. the sheer machinations of the political system forced me to be pressured, created a secret in the family and disapointment in  myself. who needs that! but even at back then it was easy to tell the system was broken we as kids had no problemo trading our votes for favours to other kids and stuff curruption ran amok during that fake election so it only made sense the the grown ups would be doing to we where only playing like adults. plus it was the 80's ,standing in the cheese line it was real easy to tell we had a government and it was every where. big and intrusive determining the fate of us all. who needs that!

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